Until recently, little was known about the association between the mother-child relationship early in life and the development of atopic dermatitis (AD), a childhood skin disease that is often the first step in the “atopic march” toward allergic rhinitis and …

Quality of mothers’ care in early life linked to atopic dermatitis in infants Read more »

Asthma Canada and AllerGen have established a new National Research Program to help young scientists pursue research into early-onset and late-onset asthma. The program will grant two awards to Masters-level (MSc/MScN) student researchers, and two awards to PhD-level student researchers. …

Asthma Canada and AllerGen partner for new graduate student research award Read more »

A CIHR award announced today (28 June 2017) will allow a CHILD Study team, led by Drs Meghan Azad and Marie-Claire Arrieta, to investigate how a mother’s consumption of artificial sweeteners during pregnancy affects her infant’s microbiome and metabolism. The …

New CHILD research: impact of prenatal artificial sweetener consumption on infant weight Read more »