Biobanks are important research platforms that involve the collection and storage of human health data and biological samples, including DNA, blood, urine and tissues. According to AllerGen Principal Investigator and health law expert, Professor Tim Caulfield, biobanks may operate in murky waters, facing …

Commercialization of biobanks a murky issue Read more »

Dr. Jennifer Protudjer, a past President of the AllerGen Students and New Professionals Network (ASNPN), has been named one of three post-doctoral fellows to investigate anaphylaxis and the risk factors associated with severe allergic reactions at the Centre for Allergy …

Former AllerGen trainee chosen for international research on anaphylaxis Read more »

AllerGen researchers at The University of British Columbia, University of Alberta and University of Manitoba, in partnership with collaborators in Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands, have identified that children with a specific genetic profile may be at an increased risk …

Traffic fumes affect asthma in children genetically susceptible to the disease Read more »

Dr. Anne Ellis, a Kingston-based allergy specialist and an AllerGen Principal Investigator, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Clinical Trials Ontario for a three-year term. Established in 2012, Clinical Trials Ontario is an independent not-for-profit organization dedicated to attracting global …

AllerGen investigator joins Board of Directors of Clinical Trials Ontario Read more »

With funding provided by AllerGen’s International Trainee Research Visit Program, Dr. Jeremy Hirota recently spent eight weeks working with Professor Philip Hansbro at The University of Newcastle’s Priority Research Centre for Asthma and Respiratory Diseases in New South Wales, Australia. During …

AllerGen trainee gains international research experience Read more »