On the evening of January 29, 2019, at the Gala event of AllerGen’s final Research Conference, eight exceptional members of the AllerGen network were recognized for their excellence as mentors, and four others were awarded grants to support the development …

Michelle Harkness Mentorship Awards celebrate & promote mentoring excellence Read more »

The CIHR is funding a new, national microbiome research core, and two of its five platforms are headed by AllerGen investigators. The University of Calgary-based initiative, The Integrated Microbiome Platforms for Advancing Causation Testing and Translation, or IMPACTT, brings together …

AllerGen investigators lead two platforms of new pan-Canadian microbiome research core Read more »

New research from AllerGen’s CHILD Cohort Study has found that babies sleep less at three months of age if their mothers do not have a university degree, experienced depression during pregnancy or had an emergency cesarean-section delivery. “Sleep affects a …

Infant sleep duration associated with mother’s level of education, prenatal depression and method of delivery Read more »

Oral immunotherapy (OIT) is a relatively new approach to treating food allergies that exposes allergic patients to gradually increased doses of an allergenic food to desensitize their immune systems. While OIT can be safely used to treat the majority of …

Allergic reactions frequent in children undergoing milk oral immunotherapy Read more »

AllerGen investigator Dr. Moshe Ben-Shoshan (Montreal Children’s Hospital) has been awarded a four-year, $336,000 CIHR Project Grant to explore adverse reactions to antibiotics among children. His project aims to determine how often these adverse reactions—typically seen in the form of …

Dr. Moshe Ben-Shoshan funded to study children’s allergies to antibiotics Read more »