Dr. Michael Brauer, a Professor at the School of Population and Public Health, The University of British Columbia, and an AllerGen Principal Investigator, has been named as the first recipient of the Asthma Society of Canada’s Bastable-Potts Asthma Research Prize. …

Dr. Michael Brauer honoured for research on asthma and the environment Read more »

AllerGen investigator Dr. Louis-Philippe Boulet was presented the 2014 CIHR-ICRH-CTS Distinguished Lecturer in Respiratory Sciences award during the 7th annual Canadian Respiratory Conference (CRC) held in Calgary, Alberta, from April 24-26, 2014. As part of the honour, Dr. Boulet delivered a keynote lecture at …

Dr. Louis-Philippe Boulet named CIHR 2014 Distinguished Lecturer in Respiratory Sciences Read more »

On November 28, 2013, a much-needed asthma clinic opened in El Salvador’s National Lung Hospital. The “Clinica del Asma: Dr. Dean Befus” is named after AllerGen investigator Dr. Dean Befus, director the University of Alberta-based Alberta Asthma Centre, who spearheaded the initiative …

“Dean Befus Asthma Clinic” opens in El Salvador Read more »

A project to develop a simple test strip to measure bronchitis in patients with asthma and COPD has been awarded a $100,000 grant from the Grand Challenges Canada’s global health care program. Dr. Parameswaran Nair, an AllerGen investigator and the …

“Bold innovation” to develop bronchitis test strip wins Grand Challenges Canada award Read more »

Dr. Sonia Anand, AllerGen Principal Investigator and Professor of Medicine at McMaster University, and a team of maternal/child health researchers from across Canada have recently received a $2 million grant to investigate the role of maternal and infant nutrition on …

Understanding the impact of maternal and infant nutrition in the first years of life Read more »

Dr. Douglas Barber, a leading Canadian businessman, entrepreneur, and a founding member of the AllerGen NCE Network Board of Directors has been named to Hamilton’s Gallery of Distinction. Dr. Barber co-founded Linear Technology Inc. in 1973 and developed the Burlington-based …

Dr. Douglas Barber to be inducted into Hamilton’s Gallery of Distinction Read more »

Two early career researchers from the Allergy, Genes and Environment (AllerGen NCE Inc.) Network, have been named 2013 Banting Postdoctoral Fellows. The fellowships, each valued at $70,000 per year for two years, are Canada’s most prestigious awards for post-doctoral research. …

AllerGen trainees receive prestigious Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships Read more »