A CIHR award announced today (28 June 2017) will allow a CHILD Study team, led by Drs Meghan Azad and Marie-Claire Arrieta, to investigate how a mother’s consumption of artificial sweeteners during pregnancy affects her infant’s microbiome and metabolism. The …

New CHILD research: impact of prenatal artificial sweetener consumption on infant weight Read more »

The Canadian Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Foundation (CAAIF) and AllerGen are pleased to announce that Dr. Lauren Solomon has been awarded the 2017 CAAIF-AllerGen Research Fellowship, an award that supports the research of exceptional young scientists in the field of …

CAAIF-AllerGen Research Fellowship supports immune research in asthmatic women Read more »

AllerGen is pleased to announce that Dr. Catherine Biggs has been awarded the prestigious AllerGen Emerging Clinician-Scientist Research Fellowship. During the two-year Fellowship, Dr. Biggs will train under the supervision of AllerGen investigator Dr. Stuart Turvey, pediatric immunologist and director …

AllerGen awards fourth Emerging Clinician-Scientist Research Fellowship Read more »

Dr. Randy Yatscoff, a key member of the AllerGen network since 2010, has been awarded the Startup Canada Adam Chowaniec Lifetime Achievement Award. The award is presented to an individual who has demonstrated an “outstanding impact and enduring legacy” in …

Randy Yatscoff wins lifetime achievement award for Canadian entrepreneurship Read more »

An early career researcher and former AllerGen Network trainee has been named a 2016 Banting Postdoctoral Fellow. The fellowship, valued at $70,000 per year for two years, is Canada’s most prestigious award for postdoctoral research. Dr. Matthew Gold, a Postdoctoral …

AllerGen trainee receives prestigious Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship Read more »