Thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) secretion from human nasal epithelium is a function of TSLP genotype (Hui, Akhabir, Sandford, Neighbour, Denburg et al.) Short-term diesel exhaust inhalation in a controlled human crossover study is associated with changes in DNA methylation of …

New asthma/allergy publications by AllerGen researchers Read more »

The Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) has selected a 2013 paper by AllerGen researchers to receive the Bruce Squires Award. The award is “awarded annually to the author(s) of the research paper published in the journal (during the previous year) …

SyMBIOTA team wins publication award for paper’s relevance to clinical practice Read more »

AllerGen researchers at McMaster University have published a new paper that identifies key cells and molecules that cause food allergy. Drs Manel Jordana, Susan Waserman, and Derek Chu, an AllerGen trainee and first author on the paper, have shown that …

AllerGen researchers identify key cells and molecules that cause food allergy Read more »

AllerGen researchers have published a review of new and emerging options for the diagnosis and management of food allergies. The article, “Diagnosis and management of food allergies: new and emerging options: a systematic review,” reviewed 100 articles published between 2009 …

Review of latest food allergy research in Journal of Asthma and Allergy Read more »

AllerGen researcher Dr. Michael Kobor has been awarded a Canada Research Chair in Social Epigenetics. Dr. Kobor is an associate professor in the Department of Medical Genetics at The University of British Columbia (UBC) and an expert in epigenetics—the relationship …

AllerGen epigenetics researcher awarded a Canada Research Chair Read more »

Physicians can help their patients with asthma by recommending ways to reduce their individual exposure to air pollution, according to a new publication by AllerGen researchers, Drs Michelle North, Anne Ellis and Chris Carlsten, and co-author Dr. Neil Alexis. The …

Doctors can help asthma patients reduce their exposure to air pollution Read more »

A new study involving several AllerGen researchers has found that more than 10% of siblings of children with peanut allergies have never been introduced to peanuts, and siblings born after the diagnosis of a peanut allergic child are more likely …

Greater peanut avoidance found in siblings of children with peanut allergy Read more »