“The Allergy Fix,” produced by CBC’s The Nature of Things with David Suzuki, will be re-broadcast on Thursday, 8 October 2015 at 8:00 PM on CBC-TV. The episode, which features AllerGen researchers Dr. Susan Waserman and Dr. Stuart Turvey, travels …

“The Allergy Fix” on CBC Read More »

AllerGen Scientific Director Dr. Judah Denburg and research leader Dr. Susan Elliott were among the presenters featured at the 6th Annual Meeting of (AQIA), held 30 September 2015 in Quebec City. The theme of the meeting was “Food Allergen Management: …

AllerGen speakers featured at AQIA Annual Meeting Read More »

A new study, 30 September 2015 in Science Translational Medicine, found that infants at high risk of developing asthma had low levels of four specific gut bacteria in the first three months of life. It is the first research to …

Link discovered between infant gut bacteria and asthma Read More »

AllerGen Research Leader Dr. Paul O’Byrne has been elected a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Health Sciences (CAHS), one of the highest honours for Canadians in the health sciences community. “This is an important recognition of Dr. O’Byrne’s academic …

Dr. Paul O’Byrne inducted as Fellow of CAHS Read More »

How many Canadians visit emergency departments (ED) each year due to allergic reactions and anaphylaxis? Are the numbers growing? Which months are the most common for anaphylactic emergencies? How have prescription patterns for epinephrine auto-injectors changed over time? A new …

New report on Canadian anaphylaxis and allergic reactions in the emergency department Read More »

Anaphylaxis accounts for a substantial proportion of the cases managed by paramedics in Outaouais, Quebec, new Canadian research reveals. Among 23,486 ambulance calls requiring transportation to hospital over a 12-month period in the Outaouis region, 104 cases or 0.44% were …

New anaphylaxis data from Quebec EMS calls Read More »

A new publication by AllerGen investigators reports the experiences of stigma among food allergic children in Ontario schools in the context of Sabrina’s Law. The study, “Disclosing food allergy status in schools: health-related stigma among school children in Ontario,” published …

Experiences of stigma among food allergic children in Ontario schools Read More »

AllerGen research leader Dr. Paul O’Byrne has been appointed to the newly created Pulmonary Medical Advisory Board of Hydra Biosciences, a Massachusetts-based biopharmaceutical company that develops drugs to treat pain, inflammation, renal disease, anxiety and pulmonary disease. Dr. O’Byrne, a …

AllerGen researchers appointed to Hydra Biosciences Advisory Board Read More »

Dr. Bruce Mazer, an AllerGen investigator and division head of Allergy and Immunology at the Montreal Children’s Hospital, is leading a new study that will determine how the protein Semaphorin 4C (Sema4C) is involved in the development of severe asthma. …

AllerGen researcher funded to lead study of protein involved in severe asthma Read More »

Dr. Anne K. Ellis has been appointed the James H. Day Chair in Allergic Diseases and Allergy Research by Queen’s University, Faculty of Health Sciences. This appointment is for a five-year period from May 1, 2015 to April 30, 2020. …

AllerGen investigator named James H. Day Chair at Queen’s University Read More »

Dr. Anita Kozyrskyj, an AllerGen investigator and a professor in the Department of Pediatrics at the University of Alberta—together with a team of CHILD Study researchers from across Canada—has received a five-year operating grant, valued at over $500,000, from the …

CHILD Study researchers receive new 5-year CIHR grant Read More »

In partnership with AllerGen, for the past four years Dr. Greg Evans and his research team at the University of Toronto have been developing “AirSENCE,” a novel technology for monitoring air quality. Their work is now going public in a high-profile …

AllerGen team measures air quality for PanAm Games Read More »