Professor Timothy Caulfield, an AllerGen investigator and a University of Alberta professor of health law and science policy, recently wrote that the inclusion of an advocate of homeopathic medicine on an expert health panel for CBC’s “The National” does not …

Homeopaths are now medical experts? Read More »

April 7, 2014, marks the first day of World Allergy Week, organized by the World Allergy Organization (WAO). This year’s theme,Anaphylaxis – When Allergies Can Be Severe and Fatal, addresses the growing problem of anaphylaxis—a potentially life-threatening allergic condition that involves …

It’s World Allergy Week! Read More »

University of Toronto (U of T) PhD student Natalia Mykhaylova has received the Professor Douglas Reeve Leaders of Tomorrow Award. This award recognizes graduate students in the Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry who have shown the potential to …

AllerGen trainee receives competitive leadership award Read More »

AllerGen researchers at the University of Manitoba have once again been featured in local news coverage about the CHILD Study. The March 27, 2014 episode of “Small Wonders” on CTV Winnipeg featured researchers, Dr. Allan Becker and Dr. Meghan Azad, Study participants, …

Winnipeg spotlight firmly fixed on CHILD researchers Read More »

Anaphylaxis Canada will host its 7th Annual Community Conference, Managing food allergies: Working together for a safer future, on Saturday, May 10, 2014, at the Delta Hotel in Markham, Ontario. This interactive, informative event will feature: Workshops, panel discussions and presentations by …

Anaphylaxis Canada hosts 7th Annual Community Conference Read More »

AllerGen researchers at the University of Manitoba have been featured in local news coverage about the Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study. AllerGen’s CHILD Study is following 3,500 Canadian children from pre-birth to age five, in order to examine how …

“Is it something in our DNA, the environment or both?” Read More »

AllerGen trainee and gut microbiome researcher Dr. Meghan Azad has been selected to attend a prestigious week-long meeting that unites more than 30 Nobel Prize winners with 600 of the world’s brightest young scientists. Dr. Meghan Azad The 64th Lindau Nobel Laureate …

Talented AllerGen trainee to meet Nobel Laureates Read More »

Biobanks are important research platforms that involve the collection and storage of human health data and biological samples, including DNA, blood, urine and tissues. According to AllerGen Principal Investigator and health law expert, Professor Tim Caulfield, biobanks may operate in murky waters, facing …

Commercialization of biobanks a murky issue Read More »

How useful are smartphone apps designed for people with food allergies? In the lead-up to the broadcast of The Allergy Fix—a new Nature of Things documentary about food allergies in Canada and beyond—CBC interviews a consultant at Anaphylaxis Canada and clinical expert Dr. …

Experts evaluate food allergy ‘apps’ Read More »

AllerGen Principal Investigator Professor Tim Caulfield will speak on the topic of The Policy Challenges and Health Limits of Personalized Medicine at The University of British Columbia on Thursday, February 20, 2014, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Professor Caulfield’s presentation, which is …

Pushing toward personalized medicine Read More »

The Norwegian alpine skier Aksel Lund Svindal recently withdrew from his final event at the Sochi Olympics, citing as cause allergies and the effects of medications used to combat itchy eyes and a runny nose. Dr. Chris Carlsten, an AllerGen …

Athletes allergic to Sochi? Read More »

Dr. Jennifer Protudjer, a past President of the AllerGen Students and New Professionals Network (ASNPN), has been named one of three post-doctoral fellows to investigate anaphylaxis and the risk factors associated with severe allergic reactions at the Centre for Allergy …

Former AllerGen trainee chosen for international research on anaphylaxis Read More »