THE ALLERGY FIX Premieres Thursday, February 27, 2014, at 7 p.m. (7:30 NL) on CBC Television’s “The Nature of Things” with David Suzuki     The Allergy Fix travels across Canada and to the US, the UK and Germany to …

AllerGen research featured in CBC documentary Read More »

AllerGen researchers at The University of British Columbia, University of Alberta and University of Manitoba, in partnership with collaborators in Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands, have identified that children with a specific genetic profile may be at an increased risk …

Traffic fumes affect asthma in children genetically susceptible to the disease Read More »

Dr. Anne Ellis, a Kingston-based allergy specialist and an AllerGen Principal Investigator, has been appointed to the Board of Directors of Clinical Trials Ontario for a three-year term. Established in 2012, Clinical Trials Ontario is an independent not-for-profit organization dedicated to attracting global …

AllerGen investigator joins Board of Directors of Clinical Trials Ontario Read More »

April 30 – May 2, 2014 Richmond, BC Vancouver Airport Marriott Hotel Open to all AllerGen trainees and ASNPN members. Space is limited. Registration Deadline: March 15, 2014. For more information contact Michelle Harkness

With funding provided by AllerGen’s International Trainee Research Visit Program, Dr. Jeremy Hirota recently spent eight weeks working with Professor Philip Hansbro at The University of Newcastle’s Priority Research Centre for Asthma and Respiratory Diseases in New South Wales, Australia. During …

AllerGen trainee gains international research experience Read More »

Owning a dog may protect against the development of allergies if exposure begins in the womb to the first year of life, according to an overview of relevant research presented in the Winter 2014 issue of Allergic Living magazine. The article “Child’s Best …

The CHILD Study helps provide answers about family pets and childhood allergies Read More »

On November 28, 2013, a much-needed asthma clinic opened in El Salvador’s National Lung Hospital. The “Clinica del Asma: Dr. Dean Befus” is named after AllerGen investigator Dr. Dean Befus, director the University of Alberta-based Alberta Asthma Centre, who spearheaded the initiative …

“Dean Befus Asthma Clinic” opens in El Salvador Read More »

AllerGen trainee and Banting Postdoctoral Fellow Meghan Azad (University of Alberta) is lead author on an article that concludes there is insufficient evidence to recommend probiotic supplementation for the prevention of childhood asthma and wheeze. Published in the December 2013 …

Trainee Meghan Azad publishes on probiotics and childhood asthma in BMJ Read More »

AllerGen investigators Drs Anne Ellis and Stuart Turvey recently commented on a joint position statement issued by Canadian pediatricians and allergists, which recommends that babies at risk for food allergies may eat potential “trigger” foods as early as six months. …

AllerGen researchers comment on Canadian recommendation to introduce potentially allergenic foods as early as six months Read More »

University of Manitoba-based AllerGen investigator Dr. Allan Becker was recently featured on “Doctors Care”—a multi-episode television series on healthcare produced by Doctors Manitoba and broadcast throughout the province. In Episode 4, on Children’s Health Research, Dr. Becker spoke about the importance of AllerGen’s Canadian …

Dr. Allan Becker brings the CHILD Study to Manitoba television viewers Read More »

The Centre for Allergy Research (CfA) of the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm, Sweden, an AllerGen research partner, invites applications to a post-doctoral research position in Chemometrics, Biostatistics and ‘Omics data integration. The successful candidate will join the multidisciplinary ChAMP (CfA …

Post-Doc Opportunity at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute Read More »

Delaying the introduction of potential “trigger” foods, such as peanut, fish or egg, beyond six months of age, does not prevent, and may even increase, the risk of developing food allergy, according to new guidelines from Canadian pediatricians and allergists. …

New Canadian guidelines on the introduction of potentially allergenic foods to babies Read More »