In a new study published in Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, a research team from The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) has shown that pulmonary function tests are a valuable tool for monitoring children with recurrent wheezing, even in children as …

Lung Clearance Index a valuable tool to monitor preschoolers with severe wheezing Read More »

New CHILD research, published in the journal Gut Microbes, has found an association between vitamin D supplementation and specific characteristics of a baby’s microbiome at three months of age. The researchers examined fecal samples taken from 1,157 infants in the CHILD …

Influence of vitamin D supplementation on a baby’s gut microbiome Read More »

A new study by CHILD Cohort Study researchers has found that bacteria are shared and possibly transferred from a mother’s milk to her infant’s gut, and that breastfeeding directly at the breast best supports this process. The research, published in …

Mom and baby share “good bacteria” through breastmilk Read More »

Living close to natural green space can mitigate some of the changes in infant gut bacteria associated with formula feeding, according to new CHILD Cohort Study (CHILD) research published in the journal Environment International. “We know that a breastfed infant …

Living close to natural green space benefits gut bacteria of urban, formula-fed infants, study shows Read More »

Over 15 years as a national Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE), AllerGen invested over $51M in 220 research projects; trained 1,763 Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) students and trainees; partnered with 651 organizations across sectors to leverage $128.6M; generated 6,730 …

AllerGen’s Final Network Report, and some thank yous Read More »

COVID-19 illustrations by CHILD participants A $1.7 million award from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) and Research Manitoba will allow CHILD Cohort Study (CHILD) researchers to study how individuals and families across Canada have been impacted directly by …

CHILD Cohort Study awarded $1.7M to study impacts of COVID-19 on Canadian families Read More »

A new video is available in the CHILD Cohort Study (CHILD) award-winning series. The playfully animated short video, CHILD Cohort Study: New scientific insights into breastfeeding, presents numerous CHILD research findings about breastfeeding and its impact on children’s health and …

New video on scientific insights into breastfeeding from CHILD Read More »

CHILD Cohort Study (CHILD) trainee Sarah Turner has been named a 2020 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship recipient. Sarah is a PhD student in the Max Rady College of Medicine’s Department of Community Health Sciences and in the Children’s Hospital Research …

CHILD trainee awarded Vanier Scholarship Read More »

Dr. Shirin Moossavi, an early-career researcher with the CHILD Cohort Study (CHILD) and former AllerGen Network trainee, has been named a 2020 CIHR Postdoctoral Fellow. The Fellowship, valued at $90,000 over two years, is one of Canada’s most prestigious awards …

AllerGen trainee receives prestigious CIHR Postdoctoral Fellowship Read More »

The CHILD Cohort Study (CHILD) has launched the Sears Undergraduate Summer Studentship – a special training award for an undergraduate university student to work with a CHILD research team for 12 weeks. Faith Kirabo, a student at the University of …

Inaugural recipient of the Sears Undergraduate Summer Studentship Read More »

CHILD Cohort Study (CHILD) research was recently featured in the prestigious Lancet Respiratory Medicine – ranked the #1 journal in the fields of critical care and respiratory medicine. The Lancet paper combined findings from population-level data, individual health data available …

Childhood asthma risk decreases with lower use of antibiotics Read More »

In recognition of his outstanding clinical and research reputation and his contributions to respiratory health, AllerGen investigator Dr. Parameswaran (Param) Nair has been selected to become a Fellow of the European Respiratory Society (ERS). His introduction as a Fellow of …

Dr. Param Nair named Fellow of the European Respiratory Society Read More »