Two AllerGen researchers are among 16 outstanding early career investigators funded by CIHR to conduct research that aims to have a significant impact on maternal, reproductive, child and youth health. Dr. Meaghan Jones and Dr. Jennifer Protudjer, both at …

Two AllerGen researchers awarded CIHR Early Career Investigator grants Read More »

A $2 million award from the Canadian Microbiome Initiative 2 (CMI2) program will allow CHILD Cohort Study researchers to examine the trillions of microorganisms living inside the human body and uncover the role they play in causing asthma. This five-year …

CHILD Cohort Study researchers awarded $2M to study microbial causes of asthma Read More »

A high-profile online course features CHILD Cohort Study research and CHILD researcher Dr. Meghan Azad. The certified professional development course, entitled “Breast Milk Scientific,” focuses on current scientific insights into breastmilk, its relationship with the microbiome, and its contributions to …

CHILD breastmilk research, researcher featured in online course Read More »

The CHILD Cohort Study is thrilled to announce that its video The CHILD Cohort Study and a Baby’s Microbiome received the Runner-Up Prize and a $1,000 award in the 2019 CIHR “IHDCYH Talks” knowledge mobilization (KMb) video competition. Based on …

CHILD microbiome video wins award in CIHR KMb competition Read More »

On January 1, 2020, AllerGen investigator Dr. Jennifer Protudjer became the inaugural holder of the Endowed Research Chair in Allergy, Asthma and the Environment at the University of Manitoba. This full-time, five-year position is aimed at driving continuing excellence in …

Dr. Jennifer Protudjer appointed Chair in Allergy, Asthma & the Environment Read More »

Dr. Stuart Turvey, Co-Director of the CHILD Cohort Study, and Dr. Diana Royce, President & CEO of AllerGen, both received honours from AllerGen partner organizations in late 2019. Dr. Stuart Turvey recognized by CSACI L to R: Dr. Stuart Turvey; …

CHILD Co-Director, AllerGen CEO honoured by partners Read More »

L to R top: David Proud, Del Dorscheid, Andrew Halayko, Susan Elliott. L to R bottom: Kyle Dine, Kozeta Miliku, Jennifer Protudjer, Michelle Harkness. AllerGen is proud to announce the 2020 winners of the Michelle Harkness Mentorship Award (MHMA). The …

2020 Michelle Harkness Mentorship Award winners Read More »

AllerGen NCE extends its deepest condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of the victims of the Ukraine International Airlines Flight PS752 crash, which occurred on January 8, 2020, in Tehran, Iran. Two valued contributors to the AllerGen network were …

Remembering two friends of AllerGen Read More »

A mother’s exposure to traffic-related air pollution during the first three months of pregnancy is associated with an increase in her child’s risk of having allergic sensitization by age one, according to CHILD Cohort Study research published in the Journal …

Air pollution exposure in early pregnancy linked to infants’ risk of developing allergies Read More »

New research from the CHILD Cohort Study involving more than 1,500 infants has shed light on the gut bacterium Clostridioides difficile and its association with the type of feeding in early life. The study, published in the journal Frontiers in …

Type of feeding affects C. difficile presence in babies Read More »

AllerGen and the CHILD Cohort Study are proud to announce the Sears Undergraduate Summer Studentship. The Sears Studentship provides financial support of up to $6,000 to an undergraduate student working full time for at least 12 weeks on a research project involving data generated by the …

New studentship honours CHILD’s Founding Director Read More »

Dr. Derek Chu has been awarded the prestigious CAAIF-CSACI-AllerGen Emerging Clinician-Scientist Research Fellowship. This $250,000 award enables a newly trained Canadian allergist and immunologist to pursue advanced research and establish a combined career as a clinician and an academic researcher. …

Fellowship award advances Canadian food allergy research Read More »