KMb Tools & Resources

Generated from AllerGen-supported research projects, these tools and resources mobilize knowledge to a range of stakeholders.

Tools & Resources for Patients, Practitioners & Communities

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Allergy Pals

Online mentorship program for kids with food Allergies (see news clip)

Asma: Como sentirse bien

Spanish-language asthma teaching flipchart

Asthma animations for health care providers

Knowledge products produced in partnership with McMaster University

Asthma Worsening Tool

A tool to help you tell if your asthma is getting worse & know what to do if it is

Circle of Care - Taking Control of Asthma

A fact sheet on asthma, triggers, & management

Kung Food

A food allergy app for youth

Preventing children’s seasonal asthma spikes: What parents, teachers and the public need to know — Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

A video recording of an AllerGen Café Scientifique

The Family Asthma Program

A CD of material to increase asthma management awareness among families

Taking Control of Your Asthma: E-modules for asthma management

An online educational tool on asthma management, facts, triggers, medication, & control

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Anaphylaxis in Schools: What Educators Need to Know

A free, bilingual resource available to schools across the country


Enlisting Provincial Health and Education to Adopt a School-Integrated, Collaborative Model for Children with Asthma: A Knowledge Translation Plan

How to Care for Students with Food Allergies: What Educators Should Know

An online training program for school personnel on the recognition and management of potentially life-threatening allergic reactions (anaphylaxis)

Preventing children’s seasonal asthma spikes: What parents, teachers and the public need to know — Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3

A video recording of an AllerGen Café Scientifique

The Roaring Adventures of Puff

A school-based asthma education program

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The Legend of Tahnee, The Wolf Workbook

A child asthma education booklet

Walking A Good Walk with Asthma

An educational workbook designed by and for First Nation communities

Tool kit for asthma education in Aboriginal communities

Three brochures, a workbook, and a DVD

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Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Health

A Canadian Perspective on Scientific Evidence and Potential Exposure-Mitigation Strategies


Resources for Researchers

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AllerGen’s Allergy and Asthma Portal (AAP) is a unique, web-accessible database specifically geared to the study of allergy and asthma. The AAP is the first resource of its kind and represents the most comprehensive database of the genes, proteins, biomolecular interactions and pathways associated with immunity and allergic disease.

Developed by Dr. Fiona Brinkman, the AAP is built upon InnateDB, an AllerGen-enabled database that has assembled the network of all known molecular interactions in humans and mice. The AAP incorporates over 900 additional biomolecular interactions relevant to allergy and asthma curated from both the scientific literature and AllerGen research.

The AAP is available for use by allergy and asthma researchers worldwide. It will improve scientists’ understanding of molecular pathways and aid in the development of new therapies for allergies and asthma.

Press Release

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Genapha, developed by Dr. Denise Daley and her team of researchers from the University of British Columbia, is an interactive website database that supports the world’s largest candidate gene study of asthma and allergy.

Genapha: Harnessing the Power of the World Wide Web

Genapha—A global resource for allergy and asthma researchers

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Led by Dr. Fiona Brinkman, InnateDB is an AllerGen-enabled, public database of the genes, proteins, molecular interactions and pathways involved in allergic responses in humans and mice. InnateDB provides a platform for sophisticated investigations of asthma and allergy responses and can be combined with bioinformatics and visualization tools for more holistic, systems-level analyses that were not previously possible.
