Network Researchers Database

Search the Network Researchers Database to learn about the scientists and practitioners who are participating in, or have participated in, AllerGen-funded project(s). You can also meet some of these researchers on AllerGen’s YouTube channel.

This database lists all project participants: AllerGen Investigators as well as project collaborators.

See the AllerGen Investigators Database for only those researchers with formal status as AllerGen-affiliated Investigators, and the AllerGen Collaborators Database for only project collaborators.

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Last name, first nameAffiliationDisciplineProject involvement

James, Alan


University of Western Australia Medicine & Pharmacology

Clustering approaches to unravel complex asthma phenotypes ——- Validation of genetic associations in asthma and allergy in Canadian families

Jantunen, Liisa

Environment Canada Analytical Environmental Chemistry

Better Exposure Avoidance Measures (BEAM)

Janz, Michael

Edmonton Public Schools Education Policy Studies

Legal Rights and Allergy Policy

Johnson, Glen


Intelliware Development Inc Business Development

Can e-health tools improve health outcomes in asthma?

Johnson, Kurt

r-Biopharm Inc.

Towards evidence-based, consensus-driven food allergen risk management framework

Jordana, Manel


McMaster University Pathology & Molecular Medicine

Canadian Group of Food Allergy Research (CanGoFAR) ——- Canadian Group on Food Allergy Research (CanGoFAR) ——- Disease Management: Canadian peanut thresholds study ——- Identification of genetic predictors of peanut allergy ——- Predicting Peanut Allergy ——- Preventing Severe reactions – Preclinical Studies ——- Regulation of lung mucosal immune responses by heterologous exposure to multiple infectious and allergic agents ——- Strategies for enhancing tolerance induction: Preclinical studies and CHILD linked project development —— Investigation of Strategies to Dismantle Persistent Peanut Allergy

Jorgensen, Eric

Kaiser Permanente Genetics

Causes and Prevention: Identifying the genetic basis of peanut allergy

Joseph, Lawrence


McGill University Clinical Epidemiology, Bayesian Statistics

A Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis Registry (C-CARE) ——- Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis REgistry (C-CARE) ——- Is the prevalence of peanut allergy increasing? A five-year follow-up study on the prevalence of peanut allergy in Montreal school children, aged 5-9 ——- SPAACE Surveying Prevalence of food Allergies in All Canadian Environments ——- Surveying Canadians to Assess the Prevalence of Common Food Allergies and Attitudes towards Food Labelling and Risk (SCAAALAR) ——- Surveying the Prevalence of food Allergy in All Canadian Environments -Trends Over Time (SPAACE to SPAACE) ——- The development, implementation and evaluation of strategies to promote well-being of children and youth with allergies and/or asthma (Part 2 THEME B – Improving Food Labelling for Allergens to Build Consumer Capacity)

Kagan, Rhoda


North York General Hospital Pediatric Allergist

Is the prevalence of peanut allergy increasing? A five-year follow-up study on the prevalence of peanut allergy in Montreal school children, aged 5-9 ——- The development, implementation and evaluation of strategies to promote well-being of children and youth with allergies and/or asthma (Part 2 THEME B – Improving Food Labelling for Allergens to Build Consumer Capacity)

Kaplan, Alan


Family Physician Airways Group of Canada Family Medicine

Can e-health tools improve health outcomes in asthma? ——- Development of an Evidence-based Certified Allergy Educator Program

Kaplan, Bonnie


University of Calgary

Allergy-Brain Connection (ABC) Research Team

Kaplan, Feige


McGill University Medical Genetics

Validation of genetic associations in asthma and allergy in Canadian families

Kapron, Jim

Development of human dendritic cell immunotherapy for treatment of asthma and allergy

Kapur, Sandy


Halifax Allergy & Asthma Associates Pediatrics

Certified Allergy Educator Program ——- Functional consequences of innate immune receptor polymorphisms —— Improving Oral Food Challenge (OFC) Implementation in Canada

Kasperski, Jan


Ontario College of Family Physicians

Can e-health tools improve health outcomes in asthma?

Kaye, Jane


University of Oxford Medical Law and Ethics

Evidence, ethics and health policy research

Keith, Paul


McMaster University Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Allergic Rhinitis Clinical Investigator Collaborative (AR-CIC): Development of a standardized nasal allergen challenge model for a multi-center research collaborative to investigate novel therapeutic agents for allergic rhinitis ——- Development of an Adaptive Immune Phenotyping Monitoring Platform ——- The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Allergic Rhinitis (AR) ——- The link between upper and lower airway inflammation —— Nasal allergen challenge – reproducibility of biomarkers and effect of topical steroid treatment

Kelly, Margaret


University of Calgary Pulmonary Pathology

Role of mast cells and eosinophils in allergic inflammationand fibrosis of the lung

Kennedy, Susan


University of British Columbia Population and Public Health

Asthma and BC workers ——- Surveillance of occupational asthma

Kilgannon, Bill Moore


Public Interest Alberta

Promoting Health Equity for Vulnerable Populations affected by Asthma and Allergies

Kim, Harold


Canadian Network for Respiratory Care (CNRC)

Development of an Evidence-based Certified Allergy Educator Program

King, Malcolm


University of Alberta Pulmonary Medicine

Engaging Aboriginal families affected by allergies and asthma in support-education program development ——- Promoting Health Equity for Vulnerable Populations affected by Asthma and Allergies

Klein, Peter

The University of British Columbia Journalism

Let Them Eat Dirt: The Hunt for Our Kids’ Missing Microbes

Knight, Darryl


University of British Columbia Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics

Environmental impact on the epithelial immune barrier in asthma ——- Functional TSLP genomics in vitro and ex vivo: human epithelial cell production of TSLP in relation to asthma development

Knoppers, Bartha


Université de Montréal Human Genetics

Evidence, ethics and health policy research

Knoppers, Bartha

McGill University Genomics

The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study

Kobor, Michael


University of British Columbia Molecular Medicine; Epigenetics

Mini-CHILD: Psychosocial Assessment and Epigenetics ——- An Integrative Multidimensional Genomic and Epigenomic Approach for the Study of Short-Term Diesel Exhaust on Asthmatics ——- Developmental plasticity and fetal programming of asthma in mice ——- Rapid Environmental Effects on Genes: The Lens of Epigenetics (REEGLE) ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study —— Project 500 —— Strengthening the Case for Ongoing Reduction of Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution (SCORE-TRAP) —— Better Exposure Avoidance Measures (BEAM)

Koehoorn, Mieke


University of British Columbia Population and Public Health

Asthma and BC workers

Koerner, Terry

Health Canada Food Research

Towards evidence-based, consensus-driven food allergen risk management framework

Kolkman, John


Edmonton Social Planning Council

Promoting Health Equity for Vulnerable Populations affected by Asthma and Allergies

Kollmann, Tobias


University of British Columbia Infectious and Immunological Diseases

Vaccines for asthma & allergies – a bacterial immune-prophylactic and therapeutic approach ——- An Assessment of Long-Term Indoor Residential Pollution Exposures among Canadian Children ——- Development of an Adaptive Immune Phenotyping Monitoring Platform ——- Expansion of existing capacity of immunology platform to support Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development study (birth cohort) ——- Functional genetics in allergy ——- Improved Tools for Assessing Long-Term Indoor and Outdoor Exposures in Epidemiologic Studies of Allergy and Asthma & Repeat Home Visits and Alternative Sampling Techniques in the Mini-CHILD Study (Mini-CHILD II) ——- Mini-CHILD: Assessment of the home environment ——- Mini-CHILD: Recruitment ——- Neuroimmune interactions: a partnership in drug development and translational research ——- Ontogeny and genetic polymorphisms of the innate immune system intersecting in asthma ——- Rapid Environmental Effects on Genes: The Lens of Epigenetics (REEGLE) ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study —— Project 500

Koppelman, Gerard


University of Groningen Pediatric Pulmonology

Causes and Prevention: Identifying the genetic basis of peanut allergy ——- Traffic-related air pollution as a risk factor for the development of childhood asthma —— Causes and Prevention: Identifying the genetic basis of peanut allergy

Kozyrskyj, Anita


University of Alberta Maternal-Child Health and the Environment; Pediatrics

Maternal Stress and Childhood Asthma ——- Allergy-Brain Connection (ABC) Research Team ——- Clustering approaches to unravel complex asthma phenotypes ——- Financial barriers to medication use in children with asthma: Effect on health outcomes ——- Genome wide association study of allergy and asthma in the Canadian Asthma Primary Prevention Study (CAPPS) and the Study of Allergy Genes and Environment (SAGE) ——- Genome-wide Association Results ——- Maternal distress and the development of atopic disease in children: Potential pathways and interventions ——- Postpartum Distress and Childhood Asthma: The Genetics, and the Social and Ethical Impacts of this Genetic Association ——- Stress, asthma and atopy socio-spatial investigations (SAASSI) ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study ——- TLR function in human neonates ——- Traffic-related air pollution as a risk factor for the development of childhood asthma ——- Validation of genetic associations in asthma and allergy in Canadian families —— Project 500

Kubes, Paul


University of Calgary Immunology

Role of mast cells and eosinophils in allergic inflammationand fibrosis of the lung

Kudla, Irena


University of Toronto Occupational & Environmental Health

Changing Practice for Prevention and Early Detection of Occupational Asthma and Allergic Diseases in the Primary Care Setting ——- Workplace sensitizers: skin and lung exposure, responses and prevention ——- Work-Related Asthma and Allergy: Prevention and Early Detection (WRAAPED) research program

Kumar, Rajesh

Northwestern University Allergy and Immunology

The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study

Kwok, William

Benaroya Research Institute Biochemistry

Investigation of Strategies to Dismantle Persistent Peanut Allergy

La Vieille, Sebastien


Health Canada

A Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis Registry (C-CARE) ——- Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis REgistry (C-CARE) ——- Surveying the Prevalence of food Allergy in All Canadian Environments -Trends Over Time (SPAACE to SPAACE) —— The Economic Impact of Food Allergy in Canada —— Towards evidence-based, consensus-driven food allergen risk management framework

Lachaine, Collette

Dalhousie University Internal Medicine

A Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis Registry (C-CARE)

Lacuesta, Gena


University of Alberta Pulmonary Medicine

Functional consequences of innate immune receptor polymorphisms

Lacy, Paige


University of Alberta Pulmonary Medicine

Canadian Group of Food Allergy Research (CanGoFAR) ——- Canadian Group on Food Allergy Research (CanGoFAR) ——- Identification of genetic predictors of peanut allergy ——- Modulation of exocytosis in allergic inflammation

Laframboise, Deirdre


Clean Air Champions Environmental Studies

Mobilizing best practices in Asthma and Allergy management and use of the Air Quality Health Index in the Canadian sport and recreation community

Lam, Wan


Simon Fraser University Faculty of Health Sciences

An Integrative Multidimensional Genomic and Epigenomic Approach for the Study of Short-Term Diesel Exhaust on Asthmatics

Langlois, Daniel

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) Analytical Chemistry, Neuroscience, Cell Biology

Towards evidence-based, consensus-driven food allergen risk management framework

Lanphear, Bruce


Simon Fraser University Faculty of Health Sciences

An Assessment of Long-Term Indoor Residential Pollution Exposures among Canadian Children ——- Improved Tools for Assessing Long-Term Indoor and Outdoor Exposures in Epidemiologic Studies of Allergy and Asthma & Repeat Home Visits and Alternative Sampling Techniques in the Mini-CHILD Study (Mini-CHILD II)

Laprise, Catherine


Université du Québec à Chicoutimi Fundamental Sciences

Identification of genetic predictors of peanut allergy ——- Canadian Group on Food Allergy Research (CanGoFAR) ——- Clustering approaches to unravel complex asthma phenotypes ——- Functional genetics in allergy ——- Functional TSLP genomics in vitro and ex vivo: human epithelial cell production of TSLP in relation to asthma development ——- Genome wide association study of allergy and asthma in the Canadian Asthma Primary Prevention Study (CAPPS) and the Study of Allergy Genes and Environment (SAGE) ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study ——- Validation of genetic associations in asthma and allergy in Canadian families —— Project 500

Larché, Mark


McMaster University Clinical Immunology & Allergy

Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC) ——- Development of an Adaptive Immune Phenotyping Monitoring Platform ——- Functional genetics in allergy ——- Functional genomic and proteomic changes in response to nasal allergen challenge and following peptide immunotherapy treatment of the same: A partnership with the Allergic-Rhinitis Clinical Investigator Collaborative (AR-CIC) and industry ——- Hemopoietic stem cell biomarkers in the diagnosis and prediction of allergic inflammation and disease ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study ——- The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Allergic Rhinitis (AR) ——- Vaccines for asthma & allergies – a bacterial immune-prophylactic and therapeutic approach —— Biomarker development for monitoring responses in CIC clinical trials

Larue, Marie


Asthma Society of Canada

Work-Related Asthma and Allergy: Prevention and Early Detection (WRAAPED) research program

Latycheva, Oxana

Ontario Lung Association; Asthma Society of Canada; Université Laval Cell Biology

Development of an Evidence-based Certified Allergy Educator Program ——- Enhancing RAP for First Nations Communities ——- Extending the Reach: From Practice to Evidence ——- Mobilizing best practices in Asthma and Allergy management and use of the Air Quality Health Index in the Canadian sport and recreation community ——- Promoting Health Equity for Vulnerable Populations affected by Asthma and Allergies ——- Sustainable Online Support for Children and Adolescents Affected by Asthma and Allergies

Laviolette, Michel


Université de Montréal Veterinary Medicine

Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)

Lavoie, Jean-Pierre


Charite Hopital Pediatric Allergist, PhD in Genetics

Study of the pathogenesis and reversibility of airway damage and repair during chronic mucosal immune responses to environmental allergies

Lee, Jamie

Mayo Clinic Pulmonary Medicine

The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Severe Asthma

Lee, Sharon

Allergy Asthma Information Association

Surveying the Prevalence of food Allergy in All Canadian Environments -Trends Over Time (SPAACE to SPAACE)

Lee, Young-Ae

St. Joseph's Healthcare

Causes and Prevention: Identifying the genetic basis of peanut allergy

Lefebvre, Diana

St. Joseph's Health Care; Université Laval Family Medicine

Knowledge Mobilization for the CHILD Study

Légaré, France


Health Canada

Shared Decision in Asthma Management: A Strategy to Improve Asthma Control

Leigh, Richard


University of Calgary Respiratory Medicine

Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC) ——- The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Allergic Asthma (AA) ——- The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Severe Asthma —— Nebulizer assessment for sputum induction —— Markers of Inflammation – Development and Optimization of Assays —— Knowledge Mobilization for the CIC —— Mannitol-Induced Cough Challenge in Healthy Controls and Subjects with Mild Allergic Asthma

Lemière, Catherine


Université de Montréal Pneumology

Changing Practice for Prevention and Early Detection of Occupational Asthma and Allergic Diseases in the Primary Care Setting ——- The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Severe Asthma ——- Work-Related Asthma and Allergy: Prevention and Early Detection (WRAAPED) research program

Lemire, Mathieu

Hôpital de Sacré Coeur Respirology

Develop and implement an allergen-gene environment database resource

Letourneau, Nicole


University of New Brunswick Nursing

Allergy-Brain Connection (ABC) Research Team ——- Building continuity of support for allergic children with asthma and/or anaphylaxis and their families ——- Engaging Aboriginal families affected by allergies and asthma in support-education program development ——- Maternal distress and the development of atopic disease in children: Potential pathways and interventions ——- Postpartum Distress and Childhood Asthma: The Genetics, and the Social and Ethical Impacts of this Genetic Association ——- Promoting Health Equity for Vulnerable Populations affected by Asthma and Allergies ——- Stress, asthma and atopy socio-spatial investigations (SAASSI) ——- Sustainable Online Support for Children and Adolescents Affected by Asthma and Allergies

Levinson, Anthony


McMaster University Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences; Physician, Patient education, online education

Can e-health tools improve health outcomes in asthma? ——- Certified Allergy Educator Program ——- Development of an Evidence-based Certified Allergy Educator Program ——- Mobilizing best practices in Asthma and Allergy management and use of the Air Quality Health Index in the Canadian sport and recreation community ——- Online Certificate Course in Best Practices for Allergic Disease/Anaphylaxis for Schools ——- Pharmacogenetics & Genetic Testing 3D graphical animation tool

Lim, Rod

Children’s Hospital at London Health Sciences Centre Pediatrics

A Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis Registry (C-CARE)

Lin, Tong-Jun


Dalhousie University Microbiology & Immunology

Functional consequences of innate immune receptor polymorphisms

Liss, Gary


University of Toronto Occupational and Environmental Health

Changing Practice for Prevention and Early Detection of Occupational Asthma and Allergic Diseases in the Primary Care Setting ——- Workplace sensitizers: skin and lung exposure, responses and prevention ——- Work-Related Asthma and Allergy: Prevention and Early Detection (WRAAPED) research program

Liu, Ling

Health Canada

Cardiopulmonary consequences of air pollution in a murine model of allergic asthma —— Better Exposure Avoidance Measures (BEAM)

Lou, Wendy


University of Toronto Statistics, Public Health Sciences

CHILD Executive Meeting Workshop in Toronto ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study ——- Project 500

Lougheed, Diane


Kingston General Hospital Respirology

Can e-health tools improve health outcomes in asthma? ——- Changing Practice for Prevention and Early Detection of Occupational Asthma and Allergic Diseases in the Primary Care Setting ——- Technology-enabled Knowledge Translation and Mobilization ——- Work-Related Asthma and Allergy: Prevention and Early Detection (WRAAPED) research program

Lussier, Jacques

Université de Montréal Veterinary Biomedicine

Study of the pathogenesis and reversibility of airway damage and repair during chronic mucosal immune responses to environmental allergies

Lynd, Larry


University of British Columbia Pharmaceutical Sciences

Asthma and BC workers ——- Parental preferences for asthma control in children ——- Platform for Outcomes Research and Translation in Asthma and allergy (PORTAL) ——- Technology-enabled Knowledge Translation and Mobilization ——- The Platform for Outcomes Research and Translation in Asthma and Allergy (PORTAL)

Lynn, David

Trinity University and Teasgasc

A network biology approach to allergy requires annotated database of molecular interaction

Macdonald, Michael


University of British Columbia Biomedical Ethics

Evidence, ethics and health policy research

Mack, Douglas

McMaster University Pediatric Allergy, Asthma and Immunology

Prevention and management of adverse reactions to food in schools—a systematic review and practice guidelines

MacLean, Johnathan

McMaster University Pediatrics, Otolaryngology

Nasal allergen challenge – reproducibility of biomarkers and effect of topical steroid treatment

MacNeil, Brian


University of Manitoba Physical Therapy

Maternal Stress and Childhood Asthma ——- Stress, asthma and atopy socio-spatial investigations (SAASSI)

MacQueen, Glenda


University of Calgary Psychiatry

Neuroendocrine regulation of allergic reactions in animal models: Translation to humans

Macri, Joseph


McMaster University Clinical Pathology

The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study —— Project 500

Majaesic, Carina


University of Alberta Pediatric Pulmonology

Building continuity of support for allergic children with asthma and/or anaphylaxis and their families

Maksym, Geoffrey


Dalhousie University Biomedical Engineering

Malo, Jean-Luc


Université de Montréal Pneumology

Work-Related Asthma and Allergy: Prevention and Early Detection (WRAAPED) research program

Mandhane, Piush


University of Alberta Pediatrics

Allergy-Brain Connection (ABC) Research Team ——- CHILD Executive Meeting Workshop in Toronto ——- Maternal distress and the development of atopic disease in children: Potential pathways and interventions ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study —— Project 500 —— Knowledge Mobilization for the CHILD Study —— Identifying Childhood Sleep-Disordered Breathing (SDB) phenotypes using Urine Metabolomics

Marchessault, Gail

University of Manitoba Human Nutritional Sciences

Gender-related biologic and sociologic impact of obesity

Marciniuk, Darcy

University of Saskatchewan Respirology, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Urine Metabolomics Analysis for Asthma Diagnosis

Mardell, Kevin


West Elgin Community Health Centre Family Medicine

Changing Practice for Prevention and Early Detection of Occupational Asthma and Allergic Diseases in the Primary Care Setting

Marenholz, Ingo

Max Delbrück Centre for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association

Causes and Prevention: Identifying the genetic basis of peanut allergy

Marra, Carlo


Memorial University Pharmaceutical Sciences

Consumer Preference for Allergen Food Labelling ——- Platform for Outcomes Research and Translation in Asthma and allergy (PORTAL) 

Marrie, Tom


University of Alberta Medicine

Non-invasive diagnosis: Metabolics for the various phenotypes of asthma (formerly: Diagnosing the Various Phenotypes of Asthma: The Use of Urine NMR)

Marrin, Andrea

McMaster University Pediatrics, Speciality Clinical Immunology and Allergy

Canadian Group on Food Allergy Research (CanGoFAR) ——- Disease Management: Canadian peanut thresholds study

Marsden, Philip


University of Toronto Medical Biophysics

Cardiopulmonary consequences of air pollution in a murine model of allergic asthma

Marshall, Aaron


University of Manitoba Molecular Immunology

TLR function in human neonates

Marshall, Jean


Dalhousie University Microbiology & Immunology

Canadian Group of Food Allergy Research (CanGoFAR) ——- Canadian Group on Food Allergy Research (CanGoFAR) ——- Functional consequences of innate immune receptor polymorphisms ——- Identification of genetic predictors of peanut allergy ——- Strategies for enhancing tolerance induction: Preclinical studies and CHILD linked project development ——- Technology-enabled Knowledge Translation and Mobilization ——- Tolerance induction and threshold studies to peanut allergen: relevance to consumer exposure to baked goods ——- Development of a National Food Allergy Strategy for Canada: Step 1 —— Causes and Prevention: Identifying the genetic basis of peanut allergy

Marshland, Brad

Microbial Movies

Let Them Eat Dirt: The Hunt for Our Kids’ Missing Microbes

Martin, James


McGill University Medicine & Physiology

Host environment interaction: Educating TLR-4+lymphocytes in childhood ——- Study of the pathogenesis and reversibility of airway damage and repair during chronic mucosal immune responses to environmental allergies ——- The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Severe Asthma

Martin, Joel


Altair Therapeutics Inc.

Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)

Martinez, Fernando


BIO5 Institute

The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study

Martino, David

Murdoch Childrens Research Institute Epigenetics

Causes and Prevention: Identifying the genetic basis of peanut allergy

Mason, Karen

Club Penguin/Disney Interactive

Sustainable Online Support for Children and Adolescents Affected by Asthma and Allergies

Massie, Amy

St. Mary's General Hospital

Development of an Evidence-based Certified Allergy Educator Program

Masuda, Jeffrey


University of Manitoba Environment and Geography

Building continuity of support for allergic children with asthma and/or anaphylaxis and their families ——- Engaging Aboriginal families affected by allergies and asthma in support-education program development ——- Promoting Health Equity for Vulnerable Populations affected by Asthma and Allergies ——- Sustainable Online Support for Children and Adolescents Affected by Asthma and Allergies

Mathison, Ronald


University of Calgary Physiology & Pharmacology

Neuroendocrine Regulation of Allergic Inflammation: Translational Studies ——- Neuroimmune interactions: a partnership in drug development and translational research

Matthews, John


Genentech Immunology, Tissue Growth and Repair

Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)

Mauro, Mary Ann


CHILD Coordinator 3-year Clinic Training Session Workshop in Manitoba

Mayers, Irvin


University of Alberta Respiratory Medicine

Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC) ——- Genetics of the early and late responses to AllerGen challenge ——- Metabolomics ——- Non-invasive diagnosis: Metabolics for the various phenotypes of asthma (formerly: Diagnosing the Various Phenotypes of Asthma: The Use of Urine NMR) ——- Shared Decision in Asthma Management: A Strategy to Improve Asthma Control ——- The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Allergic Asthma (AA) —— Urine Metabolomics Analysis for Asthma Diagnosis —— Nebulizer assessment for sputum induction —— Markers of Inflammation – Development and Optimization of Assays —— Knowledge Mobilization for the CIC —— Improved diagnosis of asthma: metabolomics —— Mannitol-Induced Cough Challenge in Healthy Controls and Subjects with Mild Allergic Asthma

Mazer, Bruce


McGill University Pediatrics, Allergy & Immunology

Disease Modulation Clinical Tolerance Study ——- Environmental impact, inflammation and the role of IL-13 receptor a2 ——- Host environment interaction: Educating TLR-4+lymphocytes in childhood ——- Intracellular Cytokine Production ——- Knowledge Mobilization Cafe Scientifique on the top of allergies (food and drug) ——- Vaccines for asthma & allergies – a bacterial immune-prophylactic and therapeutic approach —— Causes and Prevention: Identifying the genetic basis of peanut allergy

McCans, John


Queen's University Medicine

Hemopoietic stem cell biomarkers in the diagnosis and prediction of allergic inflammation and disease

McCoy, Kathy


McMaster University Gastroenterology

Canadian Group on Food Allergy Research (CanGoFAR)

McGhan, Shawna


Alberta Asthma Centre Nursing/Asthma Education

Building a collaborative working group to inform the development of a National Lung Health Framework (NLHF) Phase II ——- Building continuity of support for allergic children with asthma and/or anaphylaxis and their families ——- Development of an Evidence-based Certified Allergy Educator Program ——- Engaging Aboriginal families affected by allergies and asthma in support-education program development ——- Evaluation of the Implementation and Effectiveness of Statutory and Regulatory Based Policies for Anaphylaxis Risk Reduction ——- Promoting Health Equity for Vulnerable Populations affected by Asthma and Allergies ——- Shared Decision in Asthma Management: A Strategy to Improve Asthma Control ——- Sustainable Online Support for Children and Adolescents Affected by Asthma and Allergies ——- The Roaring Adventures of Puff: A school-based asthma education program

McKerlie, Colin


Hospital for Sick Children Physiology & Experimental Medicine

Respiratory syncytial virus in the development of infant wheezing disorders: a bench to bedside approach to gene-virus interactions

McKibbon, Ann


McMaster University Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Can e-health tools improve health outcomes in asthma?

McLay, Beth

University of Waterloo Rhetoric & Communication Design, Experimental Digital Media

Food Allergy Management at University from the Perspective of Students and Food Service Management

McLeod, Chris


University of British Columbia Health Services & Policy Research

Asthma and BC workers

McManus, Bruce



Allergic Asthma functional & Pharmaco-genomics for Early and Late Phase Response Biomarkers —— Biomarker development for monitoring responses in CIC clinical trials

McNagny, Kelly


University of British Columbia Medical Genetics

Blocking Human CD34 Expression as a Therapeutic for Mucosal Inflammatory Disease ——- Canadian Group of Food Allergy Research (CanGoFAR) ——- Canadian Group on Food Allergy Research (CanGoFAR) ——- CD34 as a therapeutic target for allergic inflammation and asthma ——- Environmental Affects on Allergic Airway Disease ——- Hemopoietic stem cell biomarkers in the diagnosis and prediction of allergic inflammation and disease ——- Identification of genetic predictors of peanut allergy ——- Role of mast cells and eosinophils in allergic inflammationand fibrosis of the lung ——- Strategies for enhancing tolerance induction: Preclinical studies and CHILD linked project development ——- The distribution and function of FceR1 on nerves ——- Vaccines for asthma & allergies – a bacterial immune-prophylactic and therapeutic approach —— CD34 as a Therapeutic Target for Allergic Asthma —— Cytof-enabled biomarkers of allergic disease —— Markers of Inflammation – Development and Optimization of Assays —— Stem Cell Team for Emerging BioMarkers —— Strengthening the Case for Ongoing Reduction of Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution (SCORE-TRAP)

McNeill, Mary


Canadian Lung Association Information Specialist

Promoting Health Equity for Vulnerable Populations affected by Asthma and Allergies

Medow, Rivkah

Microbial Movies

Let Them Eat Dirt: The Hunt for Our Kids’ Missing Microbes

Mehta, Sanjay


London Health Sciences Centre Respirology

Cardiopulmonary consequences of air pollution in a murine model of allergic asthma

Menon, Devidas


University of Alberta Health Policy & Management

Evidence, ethics and health policy research

Mercer, Marjorie


Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Occupational Disease

Work-Related Asthma and Allergy: Prevention and Early Detection (WRAAPED) research program

Meslin, Eric


Indiana University Bioethics

Evidence, ethics and health policy research

Metwally, Essam



Neuroendocrine Regulation of Allergic Inflammation: Translational Studies

Mignone, Javier


University of Manitoba Human Ecology

Stress, asthma and atopy socio-spatial investigations (SAASSI)

Miller, Greg


University of British Columbia Psychology

CHILD Executive Meeting Workshop in Toronto ——- Mini-CHILD: Psychosocial Assessment and Epigenetics ——- Psycho-social Assessment and Epigenetics: Mini-CHILD ——- Rapid Environmental Effects on Genes: The Lens of Epigenetics (REEGLE) ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study —— Project 500

Minard, Janice


Kingston General Hospital Nursing

Changing Practice for Prevention and Early Detection of Occupational Asthma and Allergic Diseases in the Primary Care Setting

Mitchell, Patrick


University of Calgary Respirology

Allergic Asthma CIC

Mody, Chris


University of Calgary Immunology & Respirology

Role of mast cells and eosinophils in allergic inflammationand fibrosis of the lung

Moisan, Jocelyn

Emergency Medical Services, Outaouais Region

A Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis Registry (C-CARE)

Moisey, Susan


Athabasca University Distance Education

Building continuity of support for allergic children with asthma and/or anaphylaxis and their families

Moqbel, Redwan (deceased)


University of Manitoba Immunology

IDO, glutamate receptors and allergic inflammation ——- Metabolomics ——- Non-invasive diagnosis: Metabolics for the various phenotypes of asthma (formerly: Diagnosing the Various Phenotypes of Asthma: The Use of Urine NMR) ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study

Moraes, Theo


Hospital for Sick Children Respirology

Respiratory syncytial virus in the development of infant wheezing disorders: a bench to bedside approach to gene-virus interactions ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study —— Project 500

Morris, Judy

Sacre-Coeur Hospital

A Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis Registry (C-CARE)

Morris, Katherine


University of Alberta

Morris, Maggie


University of Manitoba Obstetrics & Gynecology, Women's Health

TLR function in human neonates

Moscato, Gianna


Scientific Institute of Pavia Environmental & Occupational Lung Diseases

Work-Related Asthma and Allergy: Prevention and Early Detection (WRAAPED) research program

Murphy, Timothy


University of British Columbia Psychiatry

Hemopoietic stem cell biomarkers in the diagnosis and prediction of allergic inflammation and disease

Musk, Bill


University of Western Australia Medicine & Pharmacology

Validation of genetic associations in asthma and allergy in Canadian families

Mustard, Cameron


University of Toronto Public Health Sciences

Antenatal steroid therapy for fetal lung maturation: Is there an association with childhood asthma

Nadeau, Kari

Development of human dendritic cell immunotherapy for treatment of asthma and allergy

Nair, Parameswaran


McMaster University

The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Severe Asthma —— Urine Metabolomics Analysis for Asthma Diagnosis —— Knowledge Mobilization for the CIC —— Improved diagnosis of asthma: metabolomics

Nakatsu, Cindy


Purdue University Agronomy

Mini-CHILD: Environmental assessment of molecular genetic characterization of microbes in outdoor and indoor air and dust

Neeloffer Mookherjee


University of Manitoba Internal Medicine & Immunology

Neighbour, Helen


McMaster University Clinical Immunology and Allergy; Respirology

Allergic Rhinitis Clinical Investigator Collaborative (AR-CIC): Development of a standardized nasal allergen challenge model for a multi-center research collaborative to investigate novel therapeutic agents for allergic rhinitis ——- Functional genomic and proteomic changes in response to nasal allergen challenge and following peptide immunotherapy treatment of the same: A partnership with the Allergic-Rhinitis Clinical Investigator Collaborative (AR-CIC) and industry ——- The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Allergic Rhinitis (AR) —– Biomarker development for monitoring responses in CIC clinical trials

Nisbet, Matthew


American University Communications

Evidence, ethics and health policy research

O’Byrne, Paul


McMaster University Respirology

Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC) ——- Biomarkers of a Sympathetic Anti-inflammatory Pathway, Neuro-regulation of Sympathetic Anti-inflammatory Activity ——- Can e-health tools improve health outcomes in asthma? ——- CHILD Executive Meeting Workshop in Toronto ——- CIC Quality Assurance Plan ——- CIC Quality Assurance Plan ——- CIC Quality Assurance Plan ——- CIC Quality Assurance Plan Statistical Analyses ——- CIC Quality Assurance Plan Statistical Analyses ——- Development of a Microarray Genotyping Chip for Clinical Trials ——- Development of an Adaptive Immune Phenotyping Monitoring Platform ——- Genetics of the early and late responses to AllerGen challenge ——- Hemopoietic stem cell biomarkers in the diagnosis and prediction of allergic inflammation and disease ——- Neuroendocrine Regulation of Allergic Inflammation: Translational Studies ——- Neuroimmune interactions: a partnership in drug development and translational research ——- Technology-enabled Knowledge Translation and Mobilization ——- The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Allergic Asthma (AA) ——- Thymic Stromal Lymphopoitin-induced Cord Blood Hemopoietic Progenitors: Biomarkers for the Development of Atopy and Asthma —— Nebulizer assessment for sputum induction —— CIC Mediator Library —— Methacholine challenge: comparison of airway responsiveness between vibrating mesh and jet nebulizer aerosol generation —— Knowledge Mobilization for the CIC —— Mannitol-Induced Cough Challenge in Healthy Controls and Subjects with Mild Allergic Asthma

O’Keefe, Andrew

Janeway Children's Health and Rehabilitation Centre

A Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis Registry (C-CARE)

Ogbogu, Ubaka


University of Alberta legal issues; genetics and personalized healthcare

White Paper Series

Ohayon, Jason


Consulting Allergy & Immunology Allergy & Immunology

Development of an Adaptive Immune Phenotyping Monitoring Platform

Olajos-Clow, Jennifer


Kingston General Hospital Nursing

Changing Practice for Prevention and Early Detection of Occupational Asthma and Allergic Diseases in the Primary Care Setting ——- Work-Related Asthma and Allergy: Prevention and Early Detection (WRAAPED) research program

Ormiston, Mark

Queen's University Biomedical and Molecular Sciences

Causes and Prevention: Identifying the genetic basis of peanut allergy

Otlowski, Margaret


University of Tasmania Health Law

Evidence, ethics and health policy research

Palaniyar, Nades


Hospital for Sick Children Physiology & Experimental Medicine

Allergic asthma: Air pollution and allergen interactions ——- Cardiopulmonary consequences of air pollution in a murine model of allergic asthma

Palmer, Lyle


University of Western Australia Medicine & Pharmacology, Population Health

Validation of genetic associations in asthma and allergy in Canadian families

Paré, Guillaume


McMaster University Pathology & Molecular Medicine; Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics

Stem Cell Team for Emerging BioMarkers

Paré, Peter


University of British Columbia Medicine

Validation of genetic associations in asthma and allergy in Canadian families ——- Functional TSLP genomics in vitro and ex vivo: human epithelial cell production of TSLP in relation to asthma development ——- Genome wide association study of allergy and asthma in the Canadian Asthma Primary Prevention Study (CAPPS) and the Study of Allergy Genes and Environment (SAGE) ——- Genome-wide Association Results ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study

Paterson, Nigel


London Health Sciences Centre Respirology

Changing Practice for Prevention and Early Detection of Occupational Asthma and Allergic Diseases in the Primary Care Setting

Pershagen, Göran


Karolinska Institutet Environmental Medicine

Traffic-related air pollution as a risk factor for the development of childhood asthma

Peters-Golden, Marc

University of Michigan Pulmonology

The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Severe Asthma

Petronis, Arturas


Centre for Addiction and Mental Health Epigenetics, Neuroscience

Developmental plasticity and fetal programming of asthma in mice

Pfeifer, Tom


Centre for Drug Research & Development Pharmaceutical Sciences

Environmental impact, inflammation and the role of IL-13 receptor a2

Philp, Robert

Alberta Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Human Rights Law

Legal Rights and Allergy Policy

Piccirillo, Ciriaco


McGill University Health Centre T-reg Studies

Disease Modulation Clinical Tolerance Study

Pincus, Maike


Charité Berlin Pneumology & Immunology

Developmental plasticity and fetal programming of asthma in mice ——- Perinatal stress and programming of allergic responses

Poirier, Paul

Université Laval

Development of an Educational Program on Asthma and Associated Respiratory Disorders Adapted for High-Level Athletes

Porter, Robert


Janeway Children's Health and Rehabilitation Centre

A Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis Registry (C-CARE)

Post, Martin


Hospital for Sick Children Physiology & Experimental Medicine

Infant Inflammatory Markers and Lung Function ——- Mini-CHILD: Development of objective measurement of airway inflammation and lung function in infants

Prescott, Susan


University of Western Australia Pediatrics & Child Health

Hemopoietic stem cell biomarkers in the diagnosis and prediction of allergic inflammation and disease ——- Hemopoietic stem cells as biomarkers of atopy, airways inflammation, and sources of

Protudjer, Jennifer


University of Manitoba Environmental Epidemology

Purdham, James


University of Toronto Occupational & Environmental Health

Workplace sensitizers: skin and lung exposure, responses and prevention

Purves, Randy

Development of human dendritic cell immunotherapy for treatment of asthma and allergy

Radzioch, Danuta


McGill University Experimental Medicine, Human Genetics

Genetics of the early and late responses to AllerGen challenge

Rajagopalan, Sanjay


Mount Sinai School of Medicine Cardiovascular Medicine

Cardiopulmonary consequences of air pollution in a murine model of allergic asthma

Rak, Shayna

Food Allergy Canada Director, Advocacy & Media Relations

Food Allergy Management at University from the Perspective of Students and Food Service Management

Ramsey, Clare


University of Manitoba Environmental and Genetic Epidemiology of Obstructive Lung Disease

The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study

Ratjen, Felix


Hospital for Sick Children Respiratory Medicine

Infant Inflammatory Markers and Lung Function ——- Mini-CHILD: Development of objective measurement of airway inflammation and lung function in infants ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study —— Project 500

Ratz, Jodan


Queen's University Allergy & Immunology

Allergic Rhinitis Clinical Investigator Collaborative (AR-CIC): Development of a standardized nasal allergen challenge model for a multi-center research collaborative to investigate novel therapeutic agents for allergic rhinitis ——- Genetics of the early and late responses to AllerGen challenge ——- Metabolomics

Reidel, Judy

Manitoba Lung Association Policy Influencer

Promoting Health Equity for Vulnerable Populations affected by Asthma and Allergies

Rex, Greg


Halifax Allergy & Asthma/Dalhousie University Clinical Allergy

Functional consequences of innate immune receptor polymorphisms

Richardson, Susan


Hospital for Sick Children Pediatric Labroatory Medicine; Microbiology

Respiratory syncytial virus in the development of infant wheezing disorders: a bench to bedside approach to gene-virus interactions

Ries, Nola


University of Alberta; University of Edinburgh Law

Moving forward with birth cohort research in Canada: The legal and ethical foundations for the CHILD study ——- White Paper Series

Rioux, Guylaine


Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST)

Work-Related Asthma and Allergy: Prevention and Early Detection (WRAAPED) research program

Ritchie, Bruce


University of Alberta Hematology

The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study

Ritz, Stacey


Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Laurentian University Medical Sciences

Cardiopulmonary consequences of air pollution in a murine model of allergic asthma ——- Environmental Affects on Allergic Airway Disease

Ritz, Thomas


Southern Methodist University Professor of Phychology

Biomarkers of a Sympathetic Anti-inflammatory Pathway, Neuro-regulation of Sympathetic Anti-inflammatory Activity —— Studies of CABS1 as a Biomarker and Potential Therapeutic Agent for Stress

Rivera, Juan


National Institute of Arthritis and Muscoloskeletal and Skin Diseases/National Institutes of Health Molecular Immunology

The distribution and function of FceR1 on nerves

Roberts, James

Analytical Services Branch, National Measurements Institute (NMI)

Towards evidence-based, consensus-driven food allergen risk management framework

Rola-Pleszczynski, Marek


Université de Sherbrooke Pediatrics

TLR function in human neonates

Rosenfield, David

Studies of CABS1 as a Biomarker and Potential Therapeutic Agent for Stress

Ross, Nancy

The Children's Allergy and Asthma Education Centre Nursing/Asthma Education

Development of a Mobile Application for Food Allergic Children & Teens

Rowe, Brian


University of Alberta Emergency Medicine

Cross-Canada Anaphylaxis REgistry (C-CARE) ——- Metabolomics ——- Non-invasive diagnosis: Metabolics for the various phenotypes of asthma (formerly: Diagnosing the Various Phenotypes of Asthma: The Use of Urine NMR) ——- Urine NMR-based Metabolomics for Asthma Diagnosis —— Urine Metabolomics Analysis for Asthma Diagnosis

Royce, Diana


AllerGen NCE Inc.

Development of an Evidence-based Certified Allergy Educator Program ——- Mobilizing best practices in Asthma and Allergy management and use of the Air Quality Health Index in the Canadian sport and recreation community

Safavi, Mohsen


University of British Columbia Pharmaceutical Sciences

The Platform for Outcomes Research and Translation in Asthma and Allergy (PORTAL) —— Strengthening the Case for Ongoing Reduction of Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution (SCORE-TRAP)

Salminen, John

Health Canada Chemical Health Hazard Assessment

SPAACE Surveying Prevalence of food Allergies in All Canadian Environments

Sandford, Andrew


University of British Columbia Medicine; Genetics

Causes and Prevention: Identifying the genetic basis of peanut allergy ——- CHILD Executive Meeting Workshop in Toronto ——- Development of a Microarray Genotyping Chip for Clinical Trials ——- Environmental impact, inflammation and the role of IL-13 receptor a2 ——- Functional genetics in allergy ——- Functional TSLP genomics in vitro and ex vivo: human epithelial cell production of TSLP in relation to asthma development ——- Genome wide association study of allergy and asthma in the Canadian Asthma Primary Prevention Study (CAPPS) and the Study of Allergy Genes and Environment (SAGE) ——- Genome-wide Association Results ——- Identification of genetic predictors of peanut allergy ——- Mini-CHILD: AllerChip – Development, Validation and Implementation of a Microarray Genotyping Tool for Allergy and Asthma Research ——- Respiratory syncytial virus in the development of infant wheezing disorders: a bench to bedside approach to gene-virus interactions ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study ——- Validation of genetic associations in asthma and allergy in Canadian families —— Project 500

Sarin, Chris

Public Health and Preventive Medicine

Enhancing RAP for First Nations Communities

Sbihi, Hind

BC Children's Hospital Population and Public Health

Better Exposure Avoidance Measures (BEAM)

Schopflocher, Don


University of Alberta Population and Public Health

Surveillance of occupational asthma

Schunemann, Holger


McMaster University Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Scott, James


University of Toronto Occupational and Environmental Health

An Assessment of Long-Term Indoor Residential Pollution Exposures among Canadian Children ——- Better Exposure Avoidance Measures (BEAM) and New Environmental Sensor Tool Development ——- Environmental impact, inflammation and the role of IL-13 receptor a2 ——- Improved Tools for Assessing Long-Term Indoor and Outdoor Exposures in Epidemiologic Studies of Allergy and Asthma & Repeat Home Visits and Alternative Sampling Techniques in the Mini-CHILD Study (Mini-CHILD II) ——- Mini-CHILD: Assessment of the home environment ——- Mini-CHILD: Environmental assessment of molecular genetic characterization of microbes in outdoor and indoor air and dust ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study —— Project 500

Scott, Jeremy


University of Toronto Pharmacology & Toxicology

The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study

Sears, Malcolm


McMaster University Respirology

CHILD Coordinator 3-year Clinic Training Session Workshop in Manitoba ——- CHILD Executive Meeting Workshop in Toronto ——- CHILD Operating Grant ——- Development of an Evidence-based Certified Allergy Educator Program ——- Infant Inflammatory Markers and Lung Function ——- Mini-CHILD: Environmental assessment of molecular genetic characterization of microbes in outdoor and indoor air and dust ——- Technology-enabled Knowledge Translation and Mobilization ——- The Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study ——- Project 500 —— Knowledge Mobilization for the CHILD Study —— Rapid Environmental Effects on Genes: The Lens of Epigenetics (REEGLE)

See Toh, Florence


Childrens Hospital Social Worker

Promoting Health Equity for Vulnerable Populations affected by Asthma and Allergies

Sehmi, Roma

McMaster University Respirology

Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC) —— Markers of Inflammation – Development and Optimization of Assays —— The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Allergic Asthma (AA) —— The Clinical Investigator Collaborative (CIC)-Severe Asthma —— Nasal allergen challenge – reproducibility of biomarkers and effect of topical steroid treatment