Resources for Researchers & Trainees



[otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Allergy and Asthma Portal (AAP)” opened=”closed”]

AllerGen’s Allergy and Asthma Portal (AAP) is a unique, web-accessible database specifically geared to the study of allergy and asthma. The AAP is the first resource of its kind and represents the most comprehensive database of the genes, proteins, biomolecular interactions and pathways associated with immunity and allergic disease.

Developed by Dr. Fiona Brinkman, the AAP is built upon InnateDB, an AllerGen-enabled database that has assembled the network of all known molecular interactions in humans and mice. The AAP incorporates over 900 additional biomolecular interactions relevant to allergy and asthma curated from both the scientific literature and AllerGen research.

The AAP is available for use by allergy and asthma researchers worldwide. It will improve scientists’ understanding of molecular pathways and aid in the development of new therapies for allergies and asthma.

Press Release

[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”CHILD Study Biological Samples” opened=”closed”]

AllerGen’s Canadian Healthy Infant Longitudinal Development (CHILD) Study, led by Dr. Malcolm Sears, is a birth cohort study looks at how the environment that a child is exposed to from before birth until age five can interact with genetics to cause allergies, asthma and other chronic diseases. The CHILD Study recruited 3,600 pregnant Canadian mothers and has is carefully assessing each child and its respective environment by collecting detailed housing, dietary and socio-economic information, dust from homes, and biological samples such as breast milk, blood from parents and children, and children’s urine, feces and nasal secretions.

As of March 31, 2014, almost 13,000 biological samples had been released by the CHILD Study for analysis. By 2017, this research platform will have collected more than 500,000 questionnaires and over 600,000 biological samples that will be available to scientists investigating the early-life origins and development of asthma, allergies, and other chronic immune/inflammatory diseases.

To inquire about accessing CHILD Study samples or information, contact AllerGen or the CHILD Study.

[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Genapha Database” opened=”closed”]

Genapha, developed by Dr. Denise Daley and her team of researchers from the University of British Columbia, is an interactive website database that supports the world’s largest candidate gene study of asthma and allergy.

Genapha: Harnessing the Power of the World Wide Web

Genapha—A global resource for allergy and asthma researchers

[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Hybrid Laboratory” opened=”closed”]

The Hybrid Laboratory (HL) is a formal partnership between AllerGen and the Hamilton Regional Laboratory Medicine Program (HRLMP) to provide leading-edge laboratory allergy and immune testing. By combining the excellence and expertise found in Hamilton Hospitals, McMaster University and AllerGen, and capitalizing on the synergies engendered by long-term partnership, the HL facilitates completion of the projects and initiatives that would be difficult for any one institute to fully realize.

Read more

[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”InnateDB” opened=”closed”]

Led by Dr. Fiona Brinkman, InnateDB is an AllerGen-enabled, public database of the genes, proteins, molecular interactions and pathways involved in allergic responses in humans and mice. InnateDB provides a platform for sophisticated investigations of asthma and allergy responses and can be combined with bioinformatics and visualization tools for more holistic, systems-level analyses that were not previously possible.

[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”McMaster Health Forum” opened=”closed”]

Under the leadership of Dr. Anthony Levinson, the McMaster Health Forum strives to be a leading hub for improving health outcomes through collective problem solving. Operating at the regional, provincial and national levels, the Forum harnesses information, convenes stakeholders and prepares action-oriented leaders to meet pressing health issues creatively. AllerGen researchers can leverage the tools and services of the Forum to advance their AllerGen-supported research goals.

[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Platform for Outcomes Research & Translation in Asthma & Allergy” opened=”closed”]

Led by Dr. Larry Lynd, the Platform for Outcomes Research & Translation in Asthma & Allergy (PORTAL) provides a mechanism for systematically evaluating outcomes including costs, cost-effectiveness, quality of life, burden of illness, and preferences for health care interventions and programs, and translating evidence related to the identification, management, and prevention of allergy-related diseases.

[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Surface PARTiculate mAtter Network (SPARTAN)” opened=”closed”]

Surface PARTiculate mAtter Network (SPARTAN) is a global network that uses ground-level air pollution monitoring devices to measure levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5). Involving the participation of Dr. Michael Brauer, SPARTAN measures hourly PM2.5, primarily in highly populated regions in close proximity to existing ground-based sun photometers. These measurements evaluate and enhance satellite-based estimates of ground-level particulate matter (PM2.5). SPARTAN data is publicly available.

[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Network-wide Research Platforms” opened=”closed”]

The James Hogg Research Centre

Formerly the iCAPTURE Centre

Medium scale genotyping (TaqMan), mRNA gene expression analysis (ABI), Biomarker measurement (Luminex), Cell analyisis (immunohistochemistry) and Flow Cytometry


Manitoba Centre for Health Policy

Population-based health care databases

NANUC – University of Alberta

The National High Field NMR Centre

NMR spectroscopy and analysis

Occupational and Environmental Health Division

The Division of Occupational and Environmental Health in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health (DLSPH) has close linkages with the Department of Medicine at the University of Toronto, and the Department of Occupational Medicine at St. Michael’s Hospital. Its vision is to lead in public health research, education and service for a healthier Canada and a healthier world.




[otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Knowledge Translation Planning Tools for Allergic Disease Researchers” opened=”closed”] KTool

KT Tool in PDF format

KT Tool in Modules (Word & Excel):

Part A Download

Part B Download

Part C Download

Partner Organizations Contact Info Download

Research Participants Contact Info Download

[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle] [otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Other Knowledge Translation (KT) Resources” opened=”closed”]

The following non-AllerGen KT resources are offered as potentially useful to Network researchers. AllerGen is not responsible for the content of these resources, and does not review, contribute to, or endorse any information or products found therein unless specifically noted.

Co-Produced Pathway to Impact (diagram) (Adapted by AllerGen)

KT Planning Guide of Guides (York University and NeuroDevNet)

Knowledge Translation Tools and Resources (Vancouver Island Health Authority)

KT Clearinghouse (CIHR-funded)

Guide to KT Planning at CIHR: Integrated and End-of-Grant Approaches (CIHR)

KT Tools (NeuroDevNet)

Lab for KT in Health (Western University)

Registry of KT methods and tools for public health (National Collaborating Centre for Methods and Tools)

[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle] [otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Commercialization Brochure” opened=”closed”] Commercializing your research: From Lab to Life guides Network investigators through the steps involved in assessing and developing the commercial potential of AllerGen-supported research results. This brochure outlines the initial steps in research commercialization—from discovery through disclosure and “pre-incubation” planning—as well as the types of support available from university technology transfer offices (TTOs) and the AllerGen Administrative Centre.
[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle] [otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”KTEE Mentorship Program” opened=”closed”]

AllerGen’s KTEE (Knowledge and Technology Exchange and Exploitation) Mentorship Program provides Network investigators and their teams with advice and mentorship to aid in the planning and realization of knowledge translation initiatives and in the successful launch and growth of new ventures arising from AllerGen-sponsored projects.

Mentorship Program Fact Sheet [/otw_shortcode_content_toggle] [otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”KTEE Webinars & Related Resources” opened=”closed”]


Business Planning for Research Commercialization

with Jason Ding (TEC Edmonton)

Key Messages | Slide Presentation | Video

Assessing the Market Potential for a New Therapeutic

with Jonathon Jafari (CDRD)

Key Messages | Slide Presentation | Video

How to Attract Investment & Partners

with Dr. Brian Underdown (Lumira Capital)

Key Messages | Slide Presentation | Video

Experiences of a Scientific Entrepreneur

with Dr. Pieter Cullis (University of British Columbia)

Key Messages | Slide Presentation

Planning for Policy Impact: Lessons Learned

with Dr. Antoine Hakim (Stroke Network)

Key Messages | Slide Presentation | Video



[otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Travel Awards” opened=”closed”]

AllerGen’s Travel Awards program supports AllerGen investigators’ and HQPs’ attendance at and participation in national and international conferences, symposia and workshops that are aligned with AllerGen`s mission, vision and goals.

Travel Awards[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Research Skills Acquisition Awards” opened=”closed”]

AllerGen’s Research Skills Acquisition Awards program supports AllerGen investigators’ and HQPs’ participation in workshops or other individual training opportunities, including lab exchanges, internships and equipment transfers, that facilitate the acquisition of specialized technical and laboratory skills relevant to AllerGen research.

Research Skills Acquisition Awards[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Other Funding & Training Awards for HQP” opened=”closed”]

AllerGen provides support for various capacity-building opportunities for HQP.

Other Funding & Training Awards for HQP[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle]


ADMINISTRATIVE RESOURCES (Policies and Related Documents)

[otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”Travel Policy & Expense Claim” opened=”closed”]

This policy outlines, for AllerGen participants and Institutional administrators, the acceptable use of AllerGen funds for travel (i.e., which expenses are eligible for reimbursement) and how to process a claim.

Travel Policy & Expense Claim Form[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”New Network Investigator Policy” opened=”closed”]

This policy outlines the requirements for eligibility, and the process for becoming an AllerGen Network Investigator.

New Network Investigator Policy[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”AllerGen Attribution Statements” opened=”closed”]

This document provides a selection of recommended citations to facilitate acknowledgment of AllerGen support.

AllerGen Attribution Statements[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”AllerGen Code of Conduct” opened=”closed”]

This Code of Conduct outlines expectations for participant behavior at AllerGen-sponsored events, the process for handling complaints, and the repercussions of unacceptable behaviour.

AllerGen Code of Conduct[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”AllerGen Way of Working” opened=”closed”]

This document outlines the norms promoted by AllerGen to define its members’ way of working together.

AllerGen Way of Working - Values Statement[/otw_shortcode_content_toggle][otw_shortcode_content_toggle title=”NCE Agreement document” opened=”closed”]

The NCE Standard Network Agreement outlines the terms and conditions by which the Network will fund certain research activities carried out at Participating Institutions by Network Investigators,, setting out the obligations of the parties and providing for such matters as reporting requirements, use of research funds, and ownership and exploitation of intellectual property.

NCE Agreement document